Sunday, March 15, 2009

Erin Opens Up

 “Sometimes I just have to touch base with that 27-year-old girl that I am. Yes I'm a model. Yes I'm designing. Yes I do some styling, I got a jewelry line and I know a lot of hats but sometimes I just want to be that girl that wakes up and cooks breakfast and hangs out with her man and hangs out in the backyard and jumps on the bike and goes down to the beach. It's really important to live a simple life sometimes. You know? Back to basics. That’s my mantra these days. Simplicity.” 
“I get approached for a lot of TV projects. And I sit in a room with these people and I say ‘You guys realize you’re talking to the wrong girl?’ I’m not your cheesy girl that’s going to dress up in a hokey outfit and say all the sound bites that you want me to say. That’s just not who I am. I’m a total odd bird. I collect prison art and paper mache [sic] masks. I keep a journal and rip pages out of books. I think that when you open your mind, you realize there’s art everywhere, there’s art all around us. That’s what keeps the wheels in motion. To create is my ultimate goal. So why would I ever sell out?” 

“I bought a truck from a Polish guy for $1,000 cash in Brooklyn, and I just set off on a five-month road trip, I remember just rolling up onto Venice Beach, and living in a hostel and hanging out in Venice Beach and I was just like, 'Fuck dude, I need to live here.' And that’s when the light came on.”

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